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Syd Travels the World with Miles and Wispy!
- About the Trip
- Start of Trip
- South Pacific
- Australia and New Zealand
- Indonesia
- China
- East Asia
- The Middle East
- End of Trip
- Aboard the Viking Sun
Syds and Miles living the life in Paradise!
Wispy and my Syds welcoming his brothers on board the Viking Sun.

Life has brought me both great sorrows and tremendous joys. How does one make sense out of the senseless and navigate through the seeming randomness of life? By Living, Laughing, and Loving!
My spiritual journey began with the writings of Joesph Campbell and his books, especially The Power of Myth, and his subsequent series of PBS interviews with Bill Moyers. They describe his beliefs and views of the universal commonality of world religions.
Wayne Dyer’s writings and talks were also influential in forming my current view of the Universe and our place in it.
I began to realize that we alone control whether we live life in a positive, joyful, grateful and loving manner. When we live that way, we begin to shine, and–believe it or not–others notice. My partner, Wispy, has made me shine brighter than ever, because she sees the light and shines too. Together we shine brighter than ever! People come up to us and somehow feel the light, and miraculously we can make them glow too! It’s an amazing phenomenon. We are blessed to have each other, we love life, live it to its fullest, and make each other laugh every day. Does that remind you of Syd!
That brings me to how I know Syd. I was there and was a small part of his birth. My nephew, Jeff Young, was living with me in Boulder, Colorado when he began working with Ellen on the creation of Syd. He asked me numerous questions about how, where, and who to contact to actually make Syd a reality. I assisted where I could and Syd began to come to life. I was intrigued by Ellen’s concept and realized Syd represented some of my core thoughts and beliefs.
Wispy has three Little Syds by her bedside: silver, white and periwinkle. I also have three: purple, silver, and indigo. We also have a large white Syd in our apartment in NYC. So we know Syd very well. He has always traveled with us between our homes and on vacations.
Last year, we planned a trip to go around the world on The Viking Sun Inaugural World Cruise, a 144-day journey to 49 different countries and 65 ports of call. Obviously, we would bring our Syds with us, but thought it might be cool to share him in countries along the way. Ellen thought it was a great idea and provided us with 12 Syds to find homes for along the way. We wanted to share his spirit and light around the world. Syd became so popular that every person who we took a picture of Syd with smiled so brightly that we knew he belonged with them. We knew we didn’t have nearly enough Syds to adequately spread his message as far and wide as possible. Ellen to the rescue!! She first tried sending 40 additional Syds to us in Los Angeles but they missed our ship. She then sent 40 more Syds to us which were awaiting us when we arrived in Tahiti. Obviously, Syd enjoys traveling!
At each stop, we look for people and/or places that feel right for Syd. It’s been fun for us to share him and what he stands for along the way so far. We have over three months left and Miles to go before Syd sleeps!
We are Living, Laughing, and Loving every day on our amazing journey, a dream of a lifetime. Syd is right there with us, living and sharing the dream with others all along the way.
Miles and Wispy
Miles Hamm
Aboard The Viking Sun
Cruising the South Pacific
January 20, 2018
Bye to Ocho Rios
Syd says bon voyage from Ocho Rios, Jamaica!
Bay of Pigs, Cuba
Syd Lives! Bay of Pigs, southern coast of Cuba
Panama City
Syd enjoying the skyline of Panama City
Jeisel from Panama City
Jasiel receiving her Syd in old town Panama City, Panama. She was quite excited, and understood #GetMonked!
This is Isabella, a new owner of Syd. She lives in Antigua, Guatemala. She was very happy to receive her present of Syd as you can tell from her big smile! Plus her colorful dress matched Syd’s color-giving persona.
Manhattan Beach
Syd at sunset, Manhattan Beach, California
Costa Rica
Syd on his balcony overlooking Puntarenas, Costa Rica. He’s getting ready for some pool time after a morning visiting Costa Rica’s Pacific beaches and rainforests.
Moorea, French Polynesians
Syd reaches land! Syd taking some rays and getting ready for a swim in the South Pacific. Moorea, Society Islands, French Polynesia.
Marquesas Islands
Syd finds another home in the Marquesas Islands with Collette
The Light, French Polynesia
Syd discussing “The Light” with the god of French Polynesia
Bora Bora Beach Monk!
Syd is no longer the Suburban Monk, he has become the Beach Monk in Bora Bora! Who will Live, Laugh and Love with him next?
Syds in Paradise, Bora Bora
Syds on their own deserted island in Bora Bora! Syds are Living, Laughing and Loving in Bora Bora!
Joshua, Tonga
Syd makes landfall in Tonga! Meet Joshua, a proud new member of Syd’s expanding world family. What a smile!
Tonga Tree
Syd joking around
Tonga Foilage
Syd trying to hide in the dense foliage of Tonga! He can’t get away quite yet.
Tonga Coconut
Syd trying to catch a coconut ride to Fiji, our next stop.
Fiji Water
Syd grooving on Fijian water and the Fijian tree-of-life nut, the coconut
Joe and Sakenasa, Fiji
Syd’s new friends, Joe and Sakenasa, at a rainforest outside Suva, Fiji
Joe, Fiji
Syd’s going home in Fiji with Joe! Joe was very excited and so grateful for our gift to him. He will be looking for his picture on Syd’s website!
Syd the Lifeguard, Manly Beach, Sydney, Australia
Syd spent the day girl watching and assisting the lifesaving squad at Manly Beach.
Syd on His Sandcastle, Manly Beach, Sydney, Australia
I left him on his sandcastle and waited to see who would pick him up first.
David, from Cape Town, Manly Beach, Sydney, Australia
It only took about 2 minutes for David, from Cape Town, South Africa, to pick him up, but he smiled and put him back. My plan was to give Syd to the first person who actually touched him. Now he’s on his way from Australia to South Africa. Syd’s getting to do a lot of traveling!
New Zealand
Syd in Waiheke, New Zealand. An island outside of Auckland.Syd comparing philosophies! I left Syd there to see who might find his “Light” and take him home. On a fun note, at least 35 people took photos of him where I left him. Who knows how many more photos were taken before he found a home. I wonder how they will explain their picture?!
Herbert & Mom, Thursday Island, Australia
Syd at the top end of Australia, Thursday Island. Syd spreading light, love and smiles with his new buddy, Herbert! They were thrilled to get such a cool present from the USA. Look at those eyes--and colors! I think Syd will like it there!
Nabula and Dad, Indonesia
Syd finds a new home in Semarang, Java, Indonesia with Nabula! Syd with Nabula and her dad in Indonesia. What a beautiful family who were so warm and gracious to us. We could tell Syd was meant to go home with them.
Syd & Hindu God
Syd in deep discussion with a Hindu God. Wish we could have listened in! So many Hindu beliefs that Syd would agree with. It was surely an interesting discourse. Notice Syd is still smiling and shining bright. Instant Karma!
Sardi & Syd
Syd’s new friends and family in Komodo, Indonesia.Sardi, a young lady we met on a path in Komodo, with her new friend, Syd. They should learn a lot from each other!
Jamal and Syd
Another young Indonesian, Jamal, who lit up when he saw Syd. Syd has that power!
Syd and Buddies, Shanghai
Syd hanging with some buddies in Shanghai! Someone actually tried to buy him while this photo was being taken.
What is Evil?
See no evil, WHAT IS EVIL, hear no evil
Syd's New Pet
Syd’s new pet! Plus he’s getting donations.
Syd & the Gods
And the Gods keep on coming!
Porshe, Shanghai
Porshe goes home in Shanghai with Syd
Hong Kong
Syd loving the sights of Hong Kong
Witty Syd
Syd thought he might have met his match here, but his superior wit carried the day!
Syd's Discourses
Look, he found some new friends! Great discourses.
Haikou, China
These girls in Haikou, China were beyond thrilled to receive Syd into their lives. Asked for autographs and loved the card describing Purple Syd.
Ho Chi Minh (Viet Nam)
A couple of Syds joined us for a day in the old Saigon. They thought it was a cool place to visit. Mr. Yellow Syd was left here to meditate and decided to stay. I wonder where he is now?!
Wat Keon Buddhist Temple. We are now professionals at differentiating between Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist and Confucius Temples. Enough already?!?!
Khemera, Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Khemera was our tour guide at the temple we just visited and was taken by Syd when he saw him talking with the other Buddhas there. He will will take good care of Syd and promised to take him back to Wat Krom again so Syd could absorb more of the good Karma there. Syd is beyond happy!
Wat Krom
Syd said he is overwhelmed! Wat Krom was one of his favorite stops so far, but he is getting quite warm in the hot and humid weather. He’s asked to go to the beach for a swim! Onward.
Sleeping Buddha
Syd was ready to take a nap with the Sleeping Buddha!
Wat Kam, Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Syd visiting some brightly-colored buddies at the Wat Kam in Sihanoukville. He is very impressed by this temple. Sees some more Buddhas across the way so off we go. . . .
Ortega Beach, Cambodia
Syd screening up before a swim in the Gulf of Thailand. He needed to cool down after a busy day of sightseeing before heading back to The Viking Sun.
Syd and Vuthanong
Syd was enjoying Cambodia so much he asked if could join his brother here. Our cab driver, Vuthanong, was thankful and feeling blessed to provide Yellow Syd with a new home with his family.
Syd in Bangkok
Syd entertaining some friends at The Grand Palace in The Wat Phra Kaew. He’s digging the Thai experience!
Temple of Emerald Buddha in Bangkok
Syd finally needs a rest! He decided he wanted to stay at this magical Temple, so he asked to be left cooling off on these water lilies. He has been so popular in this country, I’m sure he found a wonderful new home by now.
Phra Boron Maha Ratchawang, Bangkok, Thailand
Syd admiring all the Buddhas in the many temples he has visited in this amazing country.
Syd was loving the flowers at The Heritage Orchid Display in Singapore. The colors, textures and smells kept him smiling and shining!
Syd Stays in Singapore
Syd was awestruck by the marvelous orchids and decided to stay. We left him among the various purple shades where he was so happy. But now, where in the world might this Yellow Syd be. . . . . only he knows!
Prisha, Chennai, India
Meet Prisha who now has Syd as her new friend. He will definitely bring his brightness to this colorful young Indian girl we met. She actually was very happy getting Syd, but turned shy when I tried to take pictures of her. I’m sure she is smiling now!
Mumbai, India
Syd is always attracted by the bright colors. Syd is adopted by a family visiting the Gate to India. They were smiling and laughing until they were photographed. Sooo. . . Syd Shines On!
Ali, Muscat, Oman
No matter their religion, their color, their sex, their age or nationality Syd has been widely embraced by people all over the world! We have yet to introduce Syd to anyone who was not brightened by his presence. This is Ali, our driver in Muscat. You can tell by his smile that he gets Syd’s message.
Syd and the Camels, Petra, Jordan
I left Syd here among the camels. He felt very much at home here, desert life seems to have tickled his fancy. I wonder who might have picked him up and where he might be now. Only Syd knows for sure!
Syd and Ahmed, Petra, Jordan
Meet Ahmed, a Petra Police Officer, outside the famous Treasury in ancient Petra. He was very pleased when he actually got to keep Syd. He thought we just wanted to take a picture of him with Syd. We passed him on the way out and he was still holding him a couple hours later! Friends for life.
Amin, Luxor, Egypt
We were visiting the beautiful Karnak Temple complex in Luxor. Syd was stunned by the engineering and architecture of this city built by the ancient Egyptians. We met Amin who is now the proud owner of Syd. Syd transcends languages, and he communicates perfectly without speaking. His light is felt all around the world!
Great Pyramids, Giza, Egypt
Ali, a camel driver and Colorado Rockies fan with Wispy. He, like all the Egyptians we met, was very friendly and welcoming to Americans. At first he thought we were trying to sell Syd to him! He was happily surprised when he received Syd as a gift from us. Syd is surely making his presence felt in Egypt!
Syd at The Great Pyramid, Giza Egypt
All Syd can say is WOW!
Valletta, Malta
Syd found Valletta, Malta, one of his favorite ports visited so far. He convinced me to leave him in this wonderful city. He was all smiles when I left!
Babette, Marabella, Spain
Babette with her new playmate, Syd, in Marbella, Spain. What a stunning young face.
Puerto Banus, Spain
Puerto Banus, Spain. Syd chowing down some delicious Paella. He put on some weight after this meal!
Luciana, Nueva Andalucía, Spain
Luciana met Syd in Nueva Andalucía, Spain and fell in love with him at first sight. Syd seems to really enjoy the company of young, pretty girls!
Claudine, Porto, Portugal
Syd finds another home with Claudine in Porto, Portugal. Her smile says it all!
Porto, Portugal
Syd on our balcony in Porto, Portugal. He thought the space-age passenger terminal in the background was far out!
Syd’s final stop! London, England!
He was so excited about the big Royal Wedding that he had to stay to witness the big event. Good bye to our last Syd! He is now shining bright all over the world.
Syds at Home in NYC!
After 5 months of traveling the high seas, Syd is enjoying his NYC apartment.
Telling the Tale
Big Syd enjoying all the details of our world travels. He is jealous he didn’t get to go along with us!
Christmas Syds
The word has gone forth. . . Syd is on board the Viking Sun! We gave the “Christmas Syds” to our cabin stewards, Daisy and Sheem. They were most appreciative and will be returning with Syd to the Philippines, where they live, at the end of our cruise. Merry Christmas from the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Costa Rica!
Andre and Katerina
Andre, from Bosnia, and Katerina, from Latvia, will be taking Syd home with them. As you can see, they are both and grateful that Syd is now in their lives.
Stateroom Door
Syd (in revolving colors) maintains a position above our stateroom number.
Jim and Reba
Jim and Reba, fellow passengers on The Viking Sun, had seen me taking pictures of Syd while on our journey. They asked about him, loved the story and wanted a Syd for their own. He will be off to Spokane, Washington at the end of our cruise.
Brian, another Viking Sun crew member, will be taking his great smile and Syd back to his home in Manila, Philippines. He’s loving his new companion.
Syd is Going Home to Kiev, Ukraine! Denys, one of our favorite crew members, has adopted Syd. He will be off for new adventures in the Ukraine with his new friend.
They Made It!
Wispy and my Syds welcoming their brothers on board the Viking Sun.
Syd has found a home in Shanghai, China. Phillip, one of our favorite crew members was very touched by our gift of Syd to him. He actually had tears in his eyes! Phillip left the ship in Shanghai and is now a proud resident of China where he is spreading his message.
Rizal, from the Philippines, was thrilled to receive his Syd. He was a crew member who came to our stateroom asking if he could please have a Syd. He heard about him from fellow crew members. The word has definitely gone forth!
Muhammad, from Indonesia, was one of our cabin stewards. He had admired Syd for weeks and was the last crew member on the Viking Sun to receive one. He was more than grateful.