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Stretching Your Comfort Zone

By April 1, 2019February 18th, 2020Inspiration


I am so happy to share my journeys and thoughts more often with you. It feels like the perfect time now and my monthly letters will be called Words From My Window Seat. Those of you who have followed me for years know how I LOVE my window seat.

This is funny. I was at IMMENSE GRACE in NY this month and was so nervous. I get nervous about anything out of my comfort zone but still do it in spite of fear. Trust me, my brain was finding every angle to not go. Even that morning as I left, I asked my husband if he was sure I shouldn’t stay home, in case my dear brother-in-law chose to pass that weekend. My husband looked at me and said, “You are still trying to get out of this!”

When I checked into the hotel and went to my room, I opened the curtain and there was a window seat. I swear! Have you ever seen a window seat in a hotel room? Of course, I took it as a huge sign that the Universe has my back.

I arrived at RA MA INSTITUTE very early to get a seat by the wall (still needing my comfort) and the room was crowded and buzzing. We started our meditation and within a few minutes, I felt this squeaky kiss on my third eye that felt like it went on forever. OMG, it was Sasha!!! My partner in Live. Laugh. Malas that I had never met in real life.

Then Guru Jagat walked in and I knew I was going to jump into all things RAMA life with a new devotion to Kundalini. There were moments that I may have cursed her and hoped she wasn’t reading my mind although truth be told, she would not have cared. What a badass that one is — and I mean that in the best way. My life completely changed that weekend, despite my fear.

So, I hope you are on your journey to create a life that makes sense, feels good and is so much fun to live! Even if it means you stretch out of your comfort zone a little — or alot. In other words, #GetMonked.

Love and more Love,


P.S. We will have a sale in April (very rare these days!) so make sure you stay signed up for our emails to get all the details. We love your pictures, so tag us @thesuburbanmonk and #getmonked so we can share in the fun.


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