If you knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.
I love this quote. It is probably in my top five. I reread this and feel unstoppable.
I feel so protected and supported and connected these days. Best meeting yesterday about raising money. Sayydah Garrett, you are one amazing woman. You are my woman of the year. All that you do for this world. You are brave and beautiful and fearless, not to mention funny and that mouth on you, LOL. I am still laughing when we realized there were actually other people in the restaurant.
I am so honored to call you a friend and have you on my side. You looked me in the eye when my doubt came up and said, “No doubt.” You reminded me of another favorite Rumi quote I actually post a lot about believing everything is rigged in your favor.
Yep, I am doing this. Oh, and I am also going to adopt an elephant from Kenya. Will post more about that later. So excited about today.
How do you deal with fear and doubt? Do you have a tried-and-true method?
Please share yours. I could discuss these things all day.
#BigSyd #BigMagic