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A Syd Story from Anna Bielby

By March 2, 2019March 13th, 2019Inspiration
 I mean, can one REALLY have too much Syd?!?!?

I am so excited to share a story from one of our amazing affiliates Anna Bielby. These stories warm my heart and it is like Syd has gotten bored with me and stepped out to find his people. Anna for sure is one of them. See Anna’s story below!

We love you, Anna. Oh, and seriously — a 26 mile hike!!!!

If you haven’t signed up for our Affiliate program, we would love for you to join us! Register for our next affiliate call >> Click to Register Here. I am so excited about all the great posts, pictures and new ideas coming from our amazing affiliates I just want to shout it from the rooftops, but I won’t because social media shout outs are so much more effective!

A Story From Anna

You know when you happen upon something and it ignites pure joy in your heart and you feel like it was created just for you!? Well, that’s how I feel about Syd and The Suburban Monk.

I got my first Joyful Yellow little Syd on October 12, 2017 (thank you, Instagram for recording the date). This particular Syd has accompanied me on various journeys: countless road trips, a 26 mile hiking trip, a snowshoe trek and more. Over time, I’ve added more little Syds, as well as a Big Syd. I mean, can one REALLY have too much Syd?!?!?

Syd is the epitome of love, happiness and magic. He reminds me that life is short and one must find the time to be playful. Heck, I’ve been known to dress up Syd in his own hunting vest purely for safety purposes only. 😉 We are never too old to be silly! Syd reminds me to do just that. He has found his way into the homes of my loved ones and they are also reminded to be silly and find magic in everyday life.

I am so excited that Ellen launched the Syd Affiliate Program! I believe in her and Syd. Everyone needs a Syd because he is our reminder to play and give the world a thumbs up with a smile.

#GetMonked #LiveLaughMonk

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