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What can I say about February?

Well, it kicked my butt. Yup. Was it Mercury Retrograde, the winter, the fact that I was really sick for what seemed like forever and then I had to break my 38 day cleanse with a Gatorade? I know, right? No sugar and then of all things to ruin it with a Gatorade. Yuk! I don’t even like that stuff. I was visualizing a martini. Now we are talking!

No Need To Worry – It’s Just Growth

But these times of growth never stop because if they did, maybe we would have no reason to be here. I sit at my desk and write this with all of my jolly Syds surrounding me, my candles lit and the Goddess card Eireen which says, “There is no need to worry, as everything is working out beautifully.” and vacillate between finding comfort in her words and wanting to yell at her, “Obviously you don’t have a teenage child!”

Then I glanced down at one of my TSM wisdom cards which says, “Don’t be afraid to ask for help. This is not a sign of weakness, but rather humility and speaks volumes of your character.” – Alex and Ani

I thought, thank goodness I really allow myself self care and reaching out these days. I have come to depend on energy work in all forms. It is really a life saver. During this trying month, I realized that I want to study energy and of course just the right person showed up to lead me to the course which I want to commit to this year while still holding true to my visions for TSM.

Jude and I talked about how being happy isn’t just a selfish thing. It is really important. If our vibration isn’t high, how can we help others? That is why I love Syd because he continues to make me laugh and when I do, I feel better. It is hard to laugh and be really depressed at the same time.

Today I had an awesome appt with Elliot. He keeps a group of Syds on the table for his clients to purchase. As we looked at them all hanging out, we cracked up. Two grown adults really laughing and even texting each other afterwards.

I am so grateful for my go-to team of various energy people in some shape or form because while this month really tested me, I was able to keep coming back to a solid happy place.

Yes, being happy isn’t a luxury for me. It’s crucial. I no longer beat myself up for reaching out (maybe once in awhile… but not too often).

You’re Never Alone

When I gathered with my Women’s Entrepreneur Mastermind Group a few weeks ago, we were all experiencing similar difficulties. Just being able to talk and laugh about it made us feel better. OMG and why didn’t I have that yummy hot chocolate they all had? No, instead I had to have a Gatorade and a yucky red one at that. So, not only did I look sick, I looked really sick with a red tongue! Clearly my next growth opportunity is to get over the Gatorade thing already.

So here’s to a new month. I am not trying to wish away the present — I mean, that wouldn’t be very spiritual of me, right? BUT………

Live. Laugh. I am so happy to step into March!

Who do you go to when you need help?

Please share. I could discuss these things all day.

#BigSyd #BigMagic

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