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Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.

Talking about not seeing the whole staircase. If someone had told me when I was about to quit my 30 years in the corporate world, “Don’t worry, you will build a business around positivity, and the cornerstone product is a two-thumbs-up Buddha-like statue named Syd,” (Oh, really?) I would have been sure major drugs were involved with this message. There is just no way I could have seen this.

And now, as we are headed deep into the Redwood forest, I will be meditating on how to spread Syd‘s message of love and light and hope and a big dash of magic around the world.

I don’t expect to see the whole staircase, but I know this is meant to happen and I am the one assigned his task. As Michelle once told me, “Source does not make mistakes.”

So I will have faith, quiet my mind, and listen.

Live. Laugh. Monk!

Can you see the first step of your staircase?

What does it look like? I could discuss these things all day.

#BigSyd #BigMagic

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