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A Special Mother’s Day Story ❤️

By May 12, 2023July 3rd, 2023Inspiration
Mother’s Day often falls on May 13th – the day my mom passed away. It is also the day I met my husband and also the day I started to believe in the possibility that there is something bigger than myself.

My mother passed away when I was 25. It was a huge loss to say the least.

As the one year anniversary of her passing approached, I kept thinking, “What can I do to keep really busy on that day?”

One night, I let it all out, sobbing alone in my bed, crying to her even though I didn’t really believe she could hear me.

Maybe if I met someone and got married — would that bring me joy?

Maybe if I had children — would that bring me joy?

I couldn’t imagine ever feeling happy again. Wiped out, I finally fell asleep.

The next day, someone I barely knew invited me to a dinner party on May 13th. I said yes. Then a stranger who happened to live in my apartment complex called to offer me a ride to the party.

That person that called to offer me the ride, as it would turn out, would be my future husband. (Next month we will be celebrating 39 years together!)

The first time we met? May 13th.

Did my mom hear me when I broke down that night?

Did she come up with plans for me on that dreaded day?

Did she find a way to introduce me to my husband as a sign that she heard me?

Maybe. Maybe not. But on that day, I opened up to the possibility that there is something bigger than myself.

In the decades that I have known my husband, there were many times I looked to the sky, threw up my hands and said, “Thanks a lot, Mom!” I guess I forgot to add I wanted a marriage where we never fight. LOL!

For me, Mother’s Day represents loss, love, and possibility.


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