We did it! We made it through 2020. Now that’s something to be grateful for.
Syd is busy celebrating because on the last night of 2020, The Suburban Monk received it’s biggest order of Syds ever! And, as those Syds were shipped into the world, I felt like Syd was winking at me, as if to say, “I told you Ellen… we’re just getting started. There’s lots more joy to spread.”
I feel so good knowing that I am rippling Syd’s magic all over the world.
In those moments of holiday orders, shipping, tracking and the busy-ness of my business, it’s easy to lose sense of the core purpose of why I created Syd. But, I’m overjoyed when I receive a post like the one I got earlier this week. Hearing these words, and being reminded of how powerful Syd’s impact is, brings me back from the busy and into my “WHY”.
I left Corporate because I wanted to feel more… I knew how to “do corporate”. Now I get to touch people’s hearts.
To me, this is my WHY.
I feel so good knowing that each time I send out a Syd, I’m not just shipping a statue… I am launching him on a journey to spread infinite joy and possibilities, to his new family.
Syd and I wish you ripples of joy into 2021… and beyond.
Love and magic,
Ellen and Syd
What is one thing you are grateful for in 2020?
Please share. I could discuss these things all day.
#GetMonked #LiveLaughMonk