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MGM Studios. The Hamptons. The White House.

By July 28, 2022June 8th, 2023Entrepreneurship, Featured, Inspiration

Hey Everyone!

What do MGM Studios, The Hamptons and The White House all have in common?
The answer… SYD!

But, don’t worry… I won’t let it go to his head and Syd isn’t running for office.

He’s stepping out in style, rubbing elbows with celebrities, being hand painted by professional artists and featured in a swanky art show in The Hamptons. And, I just want to hide under my desk with a blankie. Is that just me?

We’ve been having spectacular adventures, beyond our wildest dreams!
In fact, one of our earliest dreams was for Syd to be made in the U.S.A and THAT is now a reality!!  Thank you so much for your patience with this transition.

And, wait until you see Syd’s new home! Well, he thinks it’s his… but, truthfully, it’s our collective magical space. I can only imagine what’s going to be created there. And, his taste is just beyond! Trust me.

While all of these glamorous and exciting adventures are fun, we know that the most exciting adventure for Syd is connecting to the heart. Syd’s truest self and the mission of The Suburban Monk, is the journey within. For us, it’s all about connecting to kindness, compassion and joy. And, of course, always a dash of magic!

Next up… we are journeying to Israel. In fact, we’re visiting the city of Tzfat, known as “The Mystical City”. You can only imagine the chills I got when I heard that we will be staying there for a few days. Syd’s already packed his bags and is ready to go. Me, not so much.

Will check in after our next adventure! We have really missed you and hope everyone is well.

Love & Magic,
Ellen and Syd xoxo


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